A selection of publications by MOGLabs staff and associates.
Sub-kHz laser linewidth narrowing using polarization spectroscopy
JS Torrance, BM Sparkes, LD Turner and RE Scholten, Optics Express 24(11), 11396 (2016)
Compact diffraction grating laser wavemeter with sub-picometer accuracy and picowatt sensitivity using a webcam imaging sensor
JD White and RE Scholten, Review of Scientific Instruments 83 113104 (2012)
Narrow linewidth tunable external cavity diode laser using wide bandwidth filter
DJ Thompson and RE Scholten, Review of Scientific Instruments 83 023107 (2012)
Linewidths below 100kHz with external cavity diode lasers
SD Saliba and RE Scholten, Applied Optics 48 (36) 6961-6966 (2009)
Mode stability of external cavity diode lasers
SD Saliba, M Junker, LD Turner and RE Scholten, Applied Optics 48 (35) 6692-6700 (2009)
Enhanced laser shutter using a hard disk drive voice-coil actuator
Scholten RE, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78 (2) 026101 (2007)
High performance laser shutter using a hard disk drive voice-coil actuator
Maguire LP, Szilagyi S and Scholten RE, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75 (9) 3077–3079 (2004)
An error in Figure 2 has been corrected in the erratum published as Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78 019903 (2007)
Littrow configuration tunable external cavity diode laser with fixed direction output beam
Hawthorn CJ, Weber KP and Scholten RE, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72 4477–4479 (2001)