LDD/ILD Software

MOGLabs is continually striving to improve the software and firmware of our products, to help our customers get the most of what our products can provide. Check back for updates or join our mailing list to receive notifications of important changes.

For help with controlling your device to a computer, check our detailed drivers and connection guide

Latest firmware

Firmware updates can be installed using the mogldd as explained in the manual using the "Firmware update" option from the "Help" menu.

Release notes describing changes are detailed in the CHANGES.TXT document within the ZIP file.

Updating over ethernet is strongly recommended. If using USB, it may be necessary to unplug and reconnect the USB cable when the software is "Waiting for unit to restart". Ensure that you have the latest version of mogldd installed when applying an update to the device.

GUI application, mogldd

mogldd application

A fully featured graphical-user interface for controlling LDD devices, operating the laser over USB or ethernet, and installing firmware updates.

A separate monitoring and control program is available for interfacing with ILA injection-lock systems based on the ILD driver.