The MOGLabs MSL linear cavity SHG system allows highly efficient frequency doubling of laser light over a broad wavelength range, including 740/370, 798/399, 922/461, 960/480 and 1020/510nm. Unlike bow-tie ring cavities, the linear design requires no alignment adjustment. SHG efficiency is typically 80 to 90% for mid-power TA amplified systems (0.5 to 5 watts), and can be optimised for low power direct ECDL (e.g. 100mW) or high power fibre amplified systems.
The cavity is monolithic, with temperature stabilisation and a high-bandwidth piezo actuator for locking. The MSL is available separately as a complete doubling system with input mode matching, PDH (or HC) locking, fibre input and fibre output, or combined with the MOGLabs MSA or fibre amplified lasers, to provide stable and robust sources for new wavelengths.
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Alignment-free linear cavity optical design
Broad wavelength tunability, up to 75nm
No kinematic mounts: vibration inert
Hermetically sealed; gas purge optional
High bandwidth piezo actuator (>30kHz)
Low amplitude noise
Self-contained, electronics included
Hänsch-Couillaud (HC) locking built-in
Wide selection of wavelength bands (370nm – 445nm, 445nm – 520nm, 510 - 560nm)
High efficiency, over 80% at 1 watt
Crystal displacement to increase lifetime
User-changeable crystal
Re-usable, re-configurable
EOM for PDH locking (15MHz)
Free space output, on request